Wednesday, September 23, 2009


A unique personality

When we are growing up we often have visions of who we think we need to be in order to please (or convince) our peers. Unfortunately most people present themselves as who they want to be instead of who they really are. We may look, act, and speak the way we think people expect us to, but all we do is create a disingenuous version of ourselves.

By all means think big, but not at the expense of being true to yourself. We can all be like many other bland, self-opinionated wrinklies or just be ourselves. Being true to ourselves sets us apart - we don't need to compete - whose life is it anyway?

By being yourself, you eliminate the competition. No one else can offer the same blend of personality and authenticity that you have. So many people see their model of success in something of a holier than thou way, comforted by their little pension and an almost paid off mortgage Unfortunately, at times they chase that model, often to the exclusion of our own true selves.

One of the problems with online submission to fora could be the lack of humanity, or is it humility? Others who have never met you, or you them, don't know if they can trust you or not. Fortunately, truth is in the practice and your personality itself will attract those who appreciate it.

Anyone who is put off by you being yourself, because of their own perceptions, probably wasn't going to attempt to see your point of view anyway. Remember the old saying: ‘be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.’

It’s up to you, all it takes is tapping into your unique personality.

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